Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Questions for the Entire Rocks Text Set

The following questions should be completed after all the texts have been read and the questions for all the texts have been answered.   

Questions for the Text Set: 
1. Sandstone, Obsidian, and Deformed Conglomerate do not look the same. Which of these three rocks has a black, glassy appearance? 

2. Contrast the formation of Sandstone, Obsidian, and Deformed Conglomerate. Support your answer with information from the interviews. 

3. Why might the appearance of Sandstone, Obsidian, and Deformed Conglomerate be different? Support your answer with evidence from the interviews. 

4. What might a person be able to conclude about the formation of a rock based on the rock’s appearance? Support your answer with evidence from the interviews.  


  1. 1. Obsidian has a black glassy appearance.

    2.obsidian is formed under ground sandstone was formed in water deformed conglomerate is formed under ground or above ground.

    3. deformed conglomerate layers of sediment were squished into wavy patterns. Obsidian when a liquid turns to a solid so fast it dose not have time to form crystals instead they form glass.Sandstone has wavy lines from heat and pressure.

    4. Obsidian has a glassy appearance.Sandstone has wavy lines.Deformed conglomerate has wavy patterns.

  2. 1. Obsidian has a black,glassy appearance.
    2. Obsidian is formed under ground Sandstone is formed under water and Deformed Conglomerate is formed under a mountain.
    3.Obsidian cools to fast and doesn't form crystals and makes it glassy Sandstone has wavy patterns from heat and pressure Deformed Conglomerates layers of sediment were squished into wavy patterns.
    4.Obsidian has glassy appearance Sandstone has wavy lines and Deformed Conglomerate has wavy patterns.

  3. 1. Obsidian has a black,glassy appearance
    2.sandstone is formed under a mountain. Obsidian was formed fast Deformed Conglomerate has lots of wavy patterns
    3.sandstone was formed in water. Deformed conglomerate was formed in water. Obsidian appearance it does not have enough time to turn in to crystal.
    4. Obsidian appearance is glassy and black. deformed conglomerate has wavy patterns. sandstone has wavy lines.

  4. 1.Obsidian has a glassy appearance.

    2.Obsidian is different from sandstone because obsidian its glass and sandstone is not.Obsidian is formed under ground and deformed conglomerate doesn't form under ground.

    3.deformed conglomerate layers of sediment were squished into a wavy patterns.Obsidian when a liquid turns to a solid so fast it doesn't have time to form crystals instead they form glass. Sandstone has wavy lines from heat and pressure.

    4.Obsidian has a glassy appearance. Sandstone has wavy lines. Deformed conglomerate has wavy patterns.
