Friday, February 5, 2016

Text 2: “If Rocks Could Talk! Obsidian”

Learning Goal for Text 2: Provide evidence from the text about Obsidian’s appearance and formation. 

Questions for Text 2: 
1. Describe Obsidian’s appearance. Include at least two details from the interview in your answer. 

2. How did Obsidian form? Be sure to mention how he turned into volcanic glass. Support your answer with evidence from the interview. 

3. Obsidian’s appearance provides a clue about how he formed.   Support this conclusion with evidence from the interview.   

Key Vocabulary for Text 2: form (v.), erupt, explode


  1. 1. Obsidian's appearance is black,glassy,smooth,and shiny.
    2. Obsidian formed by lava cooling,and hardens fast.
    3. Centce he harden quickly he turned into glass.

  2. 1.Obsidian's appearance is black,glassy,smooth,shiny.
    2.How did Obsidian formed by lava cooling,hardens fast.
    3.what clue says how he formed it go's from to a solid,and it does not have time to turn in to a crystal.

  3. 1.Black and smooth and shiny.

    2.900 years ago It exploded from a volcano from many miles in the earth mantle.There is so much heat and pressure down there that the rock could melt to form magma.It's about 1,000 degrees Celsius in the volcano.Magma or melted rock that comes out of a volcano sometimes cools and hardens very quickly.When it's this fast Obsidian rocks don't have time to form crystals.

    3.Since he harden very quickly he turned into glass.

  4. 1.Obsidian's appearance is black,glassy,smooth,shiny.

    2.Lava flows out out a volcano it cools and hardens.

    3.The clue is obsidian says "when you go from a liquid to a solid very,very fast,you don't have time to form crystals".

  5. 1. Obsidian's appearance is black,glass,smooth.

    2.Lava flows out of a volcano it cools and hardens.

    3. The clue is obsidian says"when you go from a liquid to a solid very very fast,you don't have time to form crystals".

  6. 1.Black glasses,shinny and so smooth.

    2. From magma and lava cools very fast you don't have time for m crystals instead you turn into glass.

    3. The obsidian has a glassy appearance.

  7.,glassy,smooth,and shiny.

    2.From magma and lava.Lava or magma cools very fast you don't have time to form crystals instead you turn into glass.

    3.The obsidian has a glassy appearance.

  8. 1. Obsidian's appearance is smooth,glassy,black,shiny rock.
    2. Obsidian forms when the melted rock flows in a long line of magma deep under ground in the earths mantle he got pushed hard and very hot .He slowly rises up in the cracks he comes up on the ground and cools when it cools it turns into glass.
    3. The black smoothness on him shows that he was formed in lava .
    2. Obsidian was also formed in a magma chamber deep underground.
